Friday, November 23, 2007

Neat video

A Korean commercial that combines western and eastern musical traditions. Check out the mix and the incredibe dancing.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Final Test - Wednesday

Students have their last test tomorrow, Wednesday. It will cover everything this semester in Music. Final marks should be ready on Monday. Please feel free to email me if you are interested in this information. It has been a pleasure teaching your child, I have learned much from them this year and I hope they have learned some from me.
Ms. Hsu

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Review Centres

This week is the beginning of a review for the Big final test next Wednesday. We are completing 7 different activity stations that cover numerous topics. It is an opportunity for students to ask questions, try hands on activities and review knowledge. The final test will be on everything that we have done this year. Thursday and Friday next week will be an opportunity for students to catch up anything they have missed before moving to Art. Have a great week.
Ms. Hsu

Friday, November 9, 2007

Activity Centres

I hope you had a great weekend and enjoyed your extra couple of days. Here's the plan for next the week. We will be doing review centres which will cover everything we have done. Make sure you ask questions and understand music notes, rhythm, keyboard, listening exercises, vocab...everything we have done so far. We only have 8 days left in music. Please make the most of it and complete all your work.
Ms. Hsu

Friday, November 2, 2007

Dates to remember

We are 3 weeks away from the end of the first rotation, Nov 23 is the last day. We have 4 major assignments left: 1 keyboard test, listening test, centre activity assignment, Final test. Here is an update of days that students do not need to be in school.
Nov 7 - Take Kids to Work day
Nov 9 - Student conferences (1:30 - 3:30pm)
Nov 12 - Civic Holiday (remembrance day)
Nov 13 - Curriculum Development day

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
Ms. Hsu

Report cards will be given out next week.

Free reliable references

Please feel free to use the online resources below. They are safe and reliable. User ID's and passwords are available free for all students and parents, paid for by the Province of New Brunswick. Please email me for information.

EBSCO - text reference library, graded and reading leveled

e-library - text reference library (competitor for EBSCO)

Encarta - Online encyclopedia (English and French) (french)

Study hard.
Ms. Hsu