Friday, March 28, 2008

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Treble Clef Code


Students are working on their first piece "Ode to Joy" and reading music. Their first written test will be next Wednesday. The first keyboard test will be next Friday.
Have a great week.
Ms. Hsu

Monday, March 17, 2008

Welcome Rotation 3

Hello Grade 9's, parents and guardians,
Welcome to Music 9. This is the final rotation, the beginning of the end. I am looking forward to meeting all my new students. Please check this site regularly for updates about student's work, assignments and deadlines. I will also use this site as way to forward interesting links and information to you. Have a great week.
Ms. Hsu

Thursday, March 13, 2008

The end of the end

Students will be transfering to Art on Monday with either Mr. Ayer or Ms. Briden. Good luck in your new classes. Music marks will be distributed next week. If there are any discrepencies please see me ASAP. Have a great week.
Ms. Hsu