Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Attentive Listening

In music class we are starting a short drumming/rhythm unit and training our ears to be focused listeners. Music will no longer be wallpaper, but anpther opportunity to communicate and understand others. Please find below, notes for musical characteristics that you now need to be aware of.
Ms. Hsu

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Test 3

This is stuff for Friday's test - study hard
Rhythm Chart - Sound names, proper names, notation
Time Signature
C-major scale - notes and fingering
Chords - C chord and G7 Chord
Treble and Bass clef code
Listening Exercises

Have fun with this online game and practice your note reading.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Keyboard Info

Hope you all had a great weekend. Tuesday will be our Frere Jacques keyboard test. Practice hard. Please find the new piece C-major scale below.
Ms. Hsu

Friday, September 19, 2008

Bass clef reminder

Hope you have a great weekend.
Here is the bass clef code, as a reminder or for those who missed it.
Ms. Hsu

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Week 3

Things are going great. Our first keyboard test is out of the way and we are already finishing up our next piece, Frere Jacques. We have our regular written test Friday. Please see vocab and Frere Jacques below.
Study hard.
Ms. Hsu

Monday, September 15, 2008

Notes for Ode to Joy and Rhythm Chart

Hope you had a great weekend. First keyboard test will be on Wednesday and will be for Ode to Joy, posture, notes and fingering. Practice hard. Great job on the first written test last Friday as it went very well.
Ms. Hsu

Thursday, September 11, 2008

week 1 and 2

This has been a great week and we have learned a lot. Great job with all the hard work from students. Here are some notes to help you study for the test, Friday.
Ms. Hsu