Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Hello Grade 9 students and parents,
Welcome to High School and grade 9. I am excited about meeting you and having the opportunity to teach you. Music is an exciting class where you will learn how to play the keyboard and express yourself through another language. This site will be used to keep you in touch with upcoming activities, some classroom notes and your comments. I will also post resources and pictures or videos of class activities. Check back regularly (at least once a week).
Ms. Hsu

Course outline

A: The language of Music – The Basics – 30% of final mark
What do you need to know in order to communicate through music?
- Note values and rhythm
- Vocabulary
- Absolute note names and notation
- Keyboard pieces
- Dynamics and Tempo
Weekly Tests - Friday

B: Music in our lives – 20% of final mark
How do other people communicate through music?
- Cultural diversity
- Different Styles
- Historical and cultural influences
- Interpretation and understanding
1 Final Test – 10%
Participation/Homework – 10%

C: Being musicians – 30% of final mark
How do you communicate through music?
- Application of knowledge
- Composition process – Group or individual
- Different performance styles and interpretations
Composition tasks – 5%
Performances – 25%

D. Research and presentation project – 20% of final mark
What are the great musicians trying to communicate?

Code of Conduct
Respect others
Respect property
Respect yourself

I expect all students to abide by this code in my class.

General Procedures
1. ALWAYS put your name on anything that you hand in – I cannot mark your work if I don’t know who it belongs too.
2. Presentation counts for a lot -if I can’t read it I cannot mark it and therefore you cannot get marks.
3. Late assignments will only be accepted on a case-by-case basis. My primary consideration will be fairness to your classmates.
4. Notify the music teacher before using any equipment in the music room.
5. When using the keyboards – No food and drink, turn the power off and use headphones.
6. Textbooks are school property – please take good care of them.
7. Missed tests and assignments should be completed as soon as you are back in school. It is your responsibility to bring in a note and make arrangements.
8. To contact me, I am available at school at 357-4015 or via email
9. In order to succeed in my class you have to attend and try. Remember to do your homework regularly and participate in class. Practice is the only way you will improve.

Please return the section below to the teacher.

____________________________________ ______________________________
Student's name and signature Parent's/Guardian's Signature
Parent e-mail address ______________________________________________________
student e-mail address ______________________________________________________

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