Friday, May 16, 2008

Period 4 - Music Presentation Notes Classical, Romantic and 20th Century

Dates: 1750 -1825
1. Symphony – long composition for orchestra, 3 sections, different moods
2. Instruments – more instruments added to orchestra
3. Mozart and Beethoven were popular
4. Mozart – composer died at 35, wrote lots of operas
5. Vocal music – Opera was popular for the rich
6. Social role of music- more demand for music
7. Art and nature – people’s views of the world changed
8. Sonata form – 3 sections of music for solo instrument
9. Classical music was popular at this time.

Dates:1825 – 1900
1. Nationalist music – new trend, new perspective include national style
2. Lieder – German Poetry and music, uses piano
3. Romantic era music was highly emotional, political and expressive.
4. Instruments – woodwind, brass popular
5. Piano music – favourite instruments, lots of different types.
6. Tone poem – similar to symphony, only 1 section, tells a story
7. Beginning of modern music
8. Romantic symphony – expanded version of classical symphony
9. Richard Wagner – Composer of opera.

20th Century
Dates: 1900 – Present
1. Sound recording – changed the way we listen to music
2. Neo-classicism – New classical music, different types of time signatures
3. Nickleback – 20th century group, 8-10 cd’s
4. Atonal music – uses 12 tone scale, irregular rhythms, unpredictable
5. Chance music – different performers play different music at the same time
6. Igor Stravinsky – Russian composer, moved to America, used lots of different keys and time signatures.
7. Impressionist music – similar to romantic music, Claude Debussy is most famous composer of this style, like a blurry painting
8. Style – all sounds possible, long melodies
9. Birth of world music – more interest in music from other cultures
10. Chris De Burgh – Composer for piano.

Period 2 - Music Presentation Notes Classical, Romantic and 20th Century

Dates:1750 – 1825
1. Beethoven – composer, played piano. Golden age of music.
2. Mozart – composer
3. Beethoven – german composer
4. Piano was favourite instruments, flute and bassoon in woodwinds
5. Sonata – 3 movements, sections, to order their music, only for 1 instrument
6. Symphony – 3 movements but for orchestra, each movement has different tempo.
7. Classical characteristics – contrasting sections for variety,
8. Opera – 2 types (seria-serious buffa – light, most popular)
9. Piano – variety of dynamics and most important solo instrument.
10. Style – simpler textures, simple melodies
Dates: 1825-1900
1. Boer war – Over South Africa, England fight the Dutch over gold.
2. Canadian confederation – nationalist pride
3. style - Emotions in music
4. Piano – most important instrument in the era
5. Rhythms – more complex, often syncopated
6. Richard Wagner – German composer, Opera composer
7. Frederic Chopin – Polish composer, dedicated to piano
8. Beethoven’s 9th Symphony – oversized orchestra, vocal soloists
9. Ride of the Valkyries – opera by Wagner (sung stories)
10. Ballad in Gminor – musical poem for piano by Chopin

20th Century
Dates:1900 - Present
1. Chance music – Music created by chance, anything goes, even radios
2. More different types of music ever
3. Paul Lansky – American composer, from NY
4. 12 tone scale – all 12 notes, rhythm is irregular
5. Libby Larson – Composer in a whole bunch of topics
6. Electronic Instruments – electric guitars introduced in country, radios also considered instruments
7. Neo-Classical – new classic music, Igor Stravinsky composer in this style
8. Chance music – every performance is different

Period 1 - Music Presentation Notes Classical, Romantic and 20th Century

1. Trombone popular orchestral instrument, Tuba similar to trumpet, Trumpet one of the oldest instruments
2. Stage – Concert hall where performances are held.
3. Classical symphony – long composition for orchestra with different movements
4. Franz Joseph Haydn – Austrian composer, father of symphonies.
5. French Revolution – new society so new music, introduce music festivals
6. Art and nature – Nature inspire art and music
7. Beethoven – German composer, played the piano, started to become deaf.
8. Mozart – Child prodigy, one of world’s greatest composer, Austrian composer, famous for writing operas.

1. Nationalist music – incorporate national styles into their music, Russians best at it.
2. Romantic Symphony – expanded classical symphony
3. Tone poem – music that tells a story
4. Piano music – really important, Frederic Chopin most famous for piano
5. Frederic Chopin – composer
6. Harmony – wide use of accidentals
7. Style – expressed personal feelings, various phrase lengths and dynamics.
8. Leider – Poetry to music
9. Romantic Opera – human drama
10. Richard Strauss – famous for operas and tone poems.

20th Century
Dates: 1900 – Present
1. Igor Stravinsky – Russian composer, died in US
2. Birth of world culture – new style of music, combo of world styles
3. Chance music – different music, different instruments and different times.
4. Harmony – usually played with woodwind, pianos and keyboard
5. Rhythm – change all the time, polyrhythm – more than 1 rhythm, time signature can change
6. New instruments – new electrical instruments
7. Electronic instruments – new technological developmentsh

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Period 4 Music History Presentation Notes Medieval, Renaissance, Baroque

Period 4 Music History Presentations

Middle Ages (Medieval)
Dates: 450-1450
1. Polyphony – combo of 2 or more melodies
2. 3 classes of people – nobility, clergy, peasants
3. sacred music – religious music (by monks). Gregorian chant – early Christian music
4. Music of the church – part of worship and patron of the arts
5. Secular music – music outside church (minstrels – traveling musicians)
6. Guillaume de Machaut – French Composer, used French poetry
7. Music printing – Guido A’drezzo invented Do, re, mi.
8. Courtly culture – Nobility, music was important (medieval party)
9. Musical notation invented
10. Troubadours – sung about war, chivalry
11. Pope Gregory – first person to invent written music

Dates: 1450 – 1600
1. Secular music – non religious, with new forms that reflected national styles
2. Sacred music – music was more important then words
3. Instrumental music – no lyrics
4. Harmony – introduced by Europeans, more than 1 person singing
5. Opera was invented
6. Polyphony – written to accompany dancing
7. Madrigals – vocal music that tells a story.

Dates: 1600 – 1750
1. Music expanded instrumental performance and opera
2. Opera – play that you sing and act, Cantata is like opera but no acting
3. Trends – elaborate melodies, more lines of music, music expressed emotions
4. J.S. Bach – Born in Germany is composer.
5. National styles – different styles for different countries
6. Antonio Vivaldi – composer, almost a priest
7. Instrumental music was as important as vocal music
8. Henry Purcell – British composer
9. Concerto – 1 solo instrument + orchestra
10. Baroque musical styles – Keyboard more important

Period 2 Music History Presentation Notes Medieval, Renaissance, Baroque

Period 2 Music History Presentations

Middle Ages (Medieval)
Dates: 450 - 1450
1. Church music was really important – mostly composed to glorify God, plainsong (simple songs), sacred music
2. Monophony – single melody became Polyphony – mixed melodies
3. Secular music – traditional music outside the church, traveling musicians, lyrics in latin
4. Guillame DuFay – composer in the low countries
5. Jester is musician in castle
6. Organ – used a lot in church.
7. Creation of musical notation (music writing) in churches
8. Hildegard Von Bingen – Nun composer
9. Society revolved around court (where prince/princesses get together to party).
10. Gregorian chant- sacred music

Dates: 1450 -1600
1. Madrigal – Secular vocal song – music and lyrics tell a story
2. Reformation – Church split over singing in church
3. Shakespeare – playwright during this time.
4. Claudio Monteverdi – invented opera, add acting to music
5. Sacred music – music for church, religious
6. Josquin De Prez – composer (one of the first known)
7. Instrumental music – accompaniment of singing and dancing, strings, percussion
8. Mona Lisa – life like painting, new style
9. Secular – songs for groups, no instruments, usually about love
10. Polyphonic – texture of 2 or more independent voices, ex. Choirs.

Dates: 1600 -1750
1. Musical instruments – trombone, harpsichord, flute
2. Harmony – more than 1 instruments playing at the same time
3. Composers were like maids
4. Composers – G.F. Handel, Pachbel, H. Purcell,
5. Gaileo, Kepler, Newton – new discoveries about the universe
6. J. S. Bach – German composer and performer
7. Cantata – like Opera, but no acting
8. Opera – Musical acting – combo of music, props, acting on stage
9. Rhythm – Emphasis on strong beats, 1/8th, 1/16th notes used a lot
10. Dances were popular

Period 1 - Music History Presentation Notes Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque

Period 1 Music History Presentations

Middle Ages (Medieval)
Dates: 400-1400
1. Catholic church – organ and singing
2. Secular music – latin, used lyre, simple and had one melody.
3. Polyphony – many melodies
4. Music printing – copied by monks
5. Guillame Dufay – Italian composer
6. Guido D’arezzo – developed do, re, mi, so
7. Plague – killed lots of people in Europe
8. Troubadours – traveling musicians Songs were about war, chivalry
9. Pope Gregory – invented written music, A, B, C, D
10. Gregorian Chant – musical style, only 1 melody line.

Dates: 1400-1600
1. Polyphony – many sounds and instrument combo(Lutes, recorder)
2. Madrigals – musical song, non-religious song in many parts
3. Church split – protestant church started hymns
4. Josquin De Prez – Composer
5. Giovanni Palestrina - Italian Composer, organist
6. Euridice – First opera
7. Claudio Monteverdi – Composed first opera
8. Sacred music – Motet church music
9. Secular music – mostly about love, for special occasions
10. Instrumental music – Violins, lute, recorders concerts, small groups
11. Music supported by government.

Dates: 1600 -1750
1. Musical instruments – trombone, harpsichord, flute
2. Harmony – more than 1 instruments playing at the same time
3. Composers were like maids
4. Composers – G.F. Handel, Pachbel, H. Purcell,
5. Gaileo, Kepler, Newton – new discoveries about the universe
6. J. S. Bach – German composer and performer
7. Cantata – like Opera, but no acting
8. Opera – Musical acting – combo of music, props, acting on stage
9. Rhythm – Emphasis on strong beats, 1/8th, 1/16th notes used a lot
10. Dances were popular

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Mark Updates

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Ms. Hsu

Tuesday, May 6, 2008