Thursday, May 15, 2008

Period 1 - Music History Presentation Notes Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque

Period 1 Music History Presentations

Middle Ages (Medieval)
Dates: 400-1400
1. Catholic church – organ and singing
2. Secular music – latin, used lyre, simple and had one melody.
3. Polyphony – many melodies
4. Music printing – copied by monks
5. Guillame Dufay – Italian composer
6. Guido D’arezzo – developed do, re, mi, so
7. Plague – killed lots of people in Europe
8. Troubadours – traveling musicians Songs were about war, chivalry
9. Pope Gregory – invented written music, A, B, C, D
10. Gregorian Chant – musical style, only 1 melody line.

Dates: 1400-1600
1. Polyphony – many sounds and instrument combo(Lutes, recorder)
2. Madrigals – musical song, non-religious song in many parts
3. Church split – protestant church started hymns
4. Josquin De Prez – Composer
5. Giovanni Palestrina - Italian Composer, organist
6. Euridice – First opera
7. Claudio Monteverdi – Composed first opera
8. Sacred music – Motet church music
9. Secular music – mostly about love, for special occasions
10. Instrumental music – Violins, lute, recorders concerts, small groups
11. Music supported by government.

Dates: 1600 -1750
1. Musical instruments – trombone, harpsichord, flute
2. Harmony – more than 1 instruments playing at the same time
3. Composers were like maids
4. Composers – G.F. Handel, Pachbel, H. Purcell,
5. Gaileo, Kepler, Newton – new discoveries about the universe
6. J. S. Bach – German composer and performer
7. Cantata – like Opera, but no acting
8. Opera – Musical acting – combo of music, props, acting on stage
9. Rhythm – Emphasis on strong beats, 1/8th, 1/16th notes used a lot
10. Dances were popular

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