Friday, May 16, 2008

Period 1 - Music Presentation Notes Classical, Romantic and 20th Century

1. Trombone popular orchestral instrument, Tuba similar to trumpet, Trumpet one of the oldest instruments
2. Stage – Concert hall where performances are held.
3. Classical symphony – long composition for orchestra with different movements
4. Franz Joseph Haydn – Austrian composer, father of symphonies.
5. French Revolution – new society so new music, introduce music festivals
6. Art and nature – Nature inspire art and music
7. Beethoven – German composer, played the piano, started to become deaf.
8. Mozart – Child prodigy, one of world’s greatest composer, Austrian composer, famous for writing operas.

1. Nationalist music – incorporate national styles into their music, Russians best at it.
2. Romantic Symphony – expanded classical symphony
3. Tone poem – music that tells a story
4. Piano music – really important, Frederic Chopin most famous for piano
5. Frederic Chopin – composer
6. Harmony – wide use of accidentals
7. Style – expressed personal feelings, various phrase lengths and dynamics.
8. Leider – Poetry to music
9. Romantic Opera – human drama
10. Richard Strauss – famous for operas and tone poems.

20th Century
Dates: 1900 – Present
1. Igor Stravinsky – Russian composer, died in US
2. Birth of world culture – new style of music, combo of world styles
3. Chance music – different music, different instruments and different times.
4. Harmony – usually played with woodwind, pianos and keyboard
5. Rhythm – change all the time, polyrhythm – more than 1 rhythm, time signature can change
6. New instruments – new electrical instruments
7. Electronic instruments – new technological developmentsh

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