Friday, May 16, 2008

Period 4 - Music Presentation Notes Classical, Romantic and 20th Century

Dates: 1750 -1825
1. Symphony – long composition for orchestra, 3 sections, different moods
2. Instruments – more instruments added to orchestra
3. Mozart and Beethoven were popular
4. Mozart – composer died at 35, wrote lots of operas
5. Vocal music – Opera was popular for the rich
6. Social role of music- more demand for music
7. Art and nature – people’s views of the world changed
8. Sonata form – 3 sections of music for solo instrument
9. Classical music was popular at this time.

Dates:1825 – 1900
1. Nationalist music – new trend, new perspective include national style
2. Lieder – German Poetry and music, uses piano
3. Romantic era music was highly emotional, political and expressive.
4. Instruments – woodwind, brass popular
5. Piano music – favourite instruments, lots of different types.
6. Tone poem – similar to symphony, only 1 section, tells a story
7. Beginning of modern music
8. Romantic symphony – expanded version of classical symphony
9. Richard Wagner – Composer of opera.

20th Century
Dates: 1900 – Present
1. Sound recording – changed the way we listen to music
2. Neo-classicism – New classical music, different types of time signatures
3. Nickleback – 20th century group, 8-10 cd’s
4. Atonal music – uses 12 tone scale, irregular rhythms, unpredictable
5. Chance music – different performers play different music at the same time
6. Igor Stravinsky – Russian composer, moved to America, used lots of different keys and time signatures.
7. Impressionist music – similar to romantic music, Claude Debussy is most famous composer of this style, like a blurry painting
8. Style – all sounds possible, long melodies
9. Birth of world music – more interest in music from other cultures
10. Chris De Burgh – Composer for piano.

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